First developed in 1990, our custom software is designed to ease the burdens of the New Jersey Superior Court-Special Civil Part court officers collections by simplifying the trust accounting through automated management software. By maintaining and tracking records through audit logs and a scanning module, court officers can now track and search important documents, such as Writs of Execution and Warrants of Removal, via a computerized interface.

Never fear another state audit. NJCC software can be installed and maintained for as little as $100 a month, offering a more functional and efficient solution with no maintenance headaches. Optimized for remote use, information can be securely accessed through any VPN internet connection. From managing assets, to electronically storing court orders and plaintiff/defendant forms, NJCC alleviates organizational and paperwork burdens through this automated, easy-to-use service.

Now Available... - Version 4.2

Version 4, just introduced in October of 2014, takes managing your office to a new level of efficiency, using the latest programming tools, a new simplified interface allows quicker access to all tasks at hand without jumping in an out of the screens. But some of the best time savers are with the change of the scans to being saved as PDF’s which allows the forwarding to other parties via attachments as an email, emailing of status updates, A general purpose letter, the MV seizure forms, and 30 day expiration letters all of which can be sent via e-mail and a copy saved to the scan folder with a single click of the mouse. Also the Outstanding Checks/Reconciliation can be done after the fact now as opposed to just the current month in earlier version of NJCC. Almost all of the lookup screens can be sorted to make finding information easier along with new Search screens which provide more ways of finding related dockets. All of this means less printing and faxing and more time spend chasing defendants for money instead of doing paperwork.

Now Available...... Optional Premium Feature to Import Dockets from the MS Excel Spreadsheet provided by the NJSC and importation and creation of the 219 Report lookup of Dockets entered in to NJCC with the creation of responce for the Court.   Additionally A new Ad-On to the Import/Export Feature is a Bulk Uploading of Certificaton of Deposits to E-Courts is nao also available.  

Supported Operating systems are 32bit/64bit Windows Windows 10 or 11 with 4GBb RAM min. and 8GB or more recommended. Windows 10/11Professional is the preferred environment. Microsoft SQLEXPRESS 2012 or above is required. SQL Express 2017 or above highly recommended. 10-20 GB of free hard drive space is recommended. For the computer with the sqlexpress DB software an Intel I5 processor and 8 or more GB RAM is highly recommended. Scanning of documents requires a Microsoft Windows based 'TWAIN' compliant scanner. . A 1D USB handheld barcode scanner (i.e Honeywell VoyagerCG MS9540 or Hyperion 1300G) is recommended for quick selection of return documents.

NOTE: While the use of Windows 7/8 with njccSQL does not in itself at this time pose any operation issues, the use of Win7/8 is not reccomended any longer due to the highly changing virus landscape on the internet today. Since Microsoft Windows 7/8 is no longer supported by Microsoft with security updates, It is both dangerous and negligent to use njccSQL on a PC that has internet access in today's environment especially with a database which contains confidential info such as njccSQL. As a result, Daragon Software Inc does not condone the continued use of njccSQL with any operating systems except windows 10/11 with the latest virus protection, service packs and updates from Microsoft.

Please feel free to contact us at (or 201-986-2047) to find out more about this amazing software.
(Inquiries from other States welcome).

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